Accelerate and scale your product and benefits

Deliver a connected benefits journey from ideation to adjudication and beyond
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The Benefits1™ Advantage

Simplify Health Cloud™ powers the connected product and benefits journeys for 45+ Health Plans

Product Catalog

Complete digital source of truth with intelligent business rules and workflows for products and benefits across all lines of business MA, Medicaid, ACA, Small Group, Mid-size, Large Group, ASO, Ancillary, Diversified benefits, Add-ons/Buy ups

Compliance and Filings

Automated PBP, QHP, and State DOI filings for products and benefits

Mandated and Marketing Materials

508 compliant and print-ready mandated materials (SBC, SB, SOB, ANOC, EOC, CoC, and Contracts) and marketing documents (highlights, catalogs, etc.) – over 140 document types supported

Offer and Sell – Sales Enablement

Power your broker/agent systems with a clean and accurate product catalog for Individual, Small Group, and MA

Sales/Sales Ops teams can personalize/customize products while quoting for custom Mid-market, Large Group, and ASO. Generate Pre-sales documents near real-time with integration to your choice of quoting/rating tools


Powerful data services layer provides robust out-of-the-box reporting and enables Payer teams to create their own reports


Analytics from the rich data on the Simplify Health Cloud™ – Competitive analysis, operational, and performance metrics


The Benefits1™ platform is designed to cater to all lines of business, market segments, and product groups, ensuring a comprehensive and versatile solution for the entire organization

Automate benefits from quotes to claims for Large, Midsize, Small Groups (Non-ACA), and ASOs

Explore Benefits1™.Group

Benefits1™.Medicare (formerly eMedicareSync™)

Streamline end-to-end Medicare Advantage benefit management with an industry-leading solution

Explore Benefits1™.Medicare

A fully automated and pre-configured benefit plan management solution for Medicaid Health Plans

Explore Benefits1™.Medicaid

Benefits1™.ACA (formerly eACASync™)

Automate benefits from quotes to claims for Small Group and Individual Qualified Health Plans

Explore Benefits1™.ACA

Connected Benefit Journey Infographics

Benefits1™ is a part of Simplify Health Cloud™

Power your connected product and benefits data journeys

Enterprise Scale

A trusted partner for Payers, Simplify Health Cloud™ has streamlined and scaled operations delivering outsized outcomes
Benefits1 Stats Infographics

2024 Medicare Advantage PBP Filing Season Recap

An incredible milestone for Simplify Healthcare. We're eager to welcome you on board!

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Simplify Healthcare is positioned in the Leaders Category in the 2023 IDC MarketScape for U.S. health plan product/plan benefit configuration solutions.

What Our Customers Say

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here is what our customers usually ask us

What are the challenges with traditional benefits plan build processes?

The traditional benefits plan management processes, based on benefits grids, are prone to errors. These manual processes involve back and forth between teams, resulting in version control issues and erroneous information being manually entered into Core-Admin and other systems. It usually takes weeks to configure a market-ready benefit plan, and managing benefit plans with spreadsheets and communicating via emails means last-minute changes, which often pose challenges for already overburdened product teams

What are the advantages of automating your benefit plan management processes?

Here are some of the key advantages of automating your benefit plan management processes: 

  • Reduce turnaround time and improve speed to market
  • Reduce errors and improve data accuracy and consistency
  • Manage Federal and State requirements through a single integrated system
  • Promote data reusability and reduce the risk of errors due to manual processes
  • Automate your compliance processes with a more robust quality audit and easy mandate update incorporation

How does Benefits1™ automate benefits plan management for Payers?

Benefits1provides a single source of truth to manage plan data, auto-generate compliant mandated materials, and integrate with external systems while handling each State’s requirements. It acts as a central repository for the benefit plan data making it accessible across the enterprise. An automated solution means stakeholders do not have to communicate via emails and spreadsheets, there is better version control, and it’s easier to implement last-minute changes. Health Plans can now easily manage CMS and State mandate updates, and auto-generate documents, handbooks, and booklets with just a few clicks